The Last Dance Party

The night American Youth was devastated when the lives of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, JP Richardson (Big Bopper) were taken after an early morning plane crash on February 3, 1959 outside of Clear Lake, Iowa after they performed at the iconic Surf Ballroom.

This show will give you a look into:
Surf Ballroom
1959 Winter Dance Party schedule and conditions
Their performance at Surf Ballroom
All the details about who was on plane and how they were chosen.
The Crash-What could have happened, and much more!
Who were-Pilot Roger Peterson, Big Bopper, Ritchie Valens, & Buddy Holly.
The conspiracies & the 2015 reexamination.

SPECIAL THANK YOU to the following for making this show possible:
Silhouette Music: The Day the Music Died LP
Del Fi-Ritchie Valens Live at Pacoima Jr. HS with Bob Keane
Red Robinson for his interviews from The Day the Music Died and his podcast-Legends
ABC News
London Live at 5 in the UK


Kortney Olson


Dan Moldea