Kimberly Corban

Survivor & Victim of Sexual Assault/Speaker Advocate


Survivor & Victim of Sexual Assault/Speaker Advocate 〰️

Kimberly bravely tells us about the worst day of her life including:

Who she was prior to the attack and having no idea she was being stalked.

The morning of May 12, 2006, when her attacker broke into her apartment and raped her. Kimberly recounts the attack and the things she did to help identify him though she felt he was going to kill her. 

The astonishing awareness she maintained to preserve physical evidence and fingerprints. 

A portion of the 9-1-1 call (trigger warning: This is chilling to hear and may not be suitable for all audiences. Please exercise self-care). 

Her extensive trauma and recovery to get to where she is today.

How the attacker was located, arrested, and convicted following a 5-day jury trial. Kimberly’s feelings about the judge’s prison sentence and an update on his time served.

We discuss how the justice system should work and hear sobering statistics that lead to her questioning President Obama regarding lawful concealed carry policies. 

Find out how you as a listener can get involved and more about available crisis resources for survivors. 

As a bonus, hear more about Kimberly’s life today that includes a story on how she met her husband!


Kimberly Corban Website:

Start By Believing Campaign: 

End Violence Against Women International:


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