Brandarius Johnson

Owner Day 1 Ambition/Author of Mental Hope: There is No Surgery for Depression

The author Mental Hope: There is No Surgery for Depression talks openly about:

Growing up without a male figure that led to being deviant and having a negative attitude. Brandarius speaks about his struggles with being a high school student but loving the game of football. Graduating in 2015 with a degree from Fort Lewis College and when the light came on that academics were important. 

Being a survivor of suicide, losing his very close friend to suicide, how that led to his “Everyday is Day 1”, and what purpose, resilience, faith, hope, and consistency means.

His clothing brand- Day 1 Ambition with products such as “The World Wouldn’t Spin the Same Without You”. Brandarius continues to bring awareness of mental hope through running with his new challenge of 351 Hope Marathon. 

Mentoring youth and writing a curriculum for school in Nevada and beyond! Who is Brandarius Johnson today and when he really started to change from that kid to who he is and still wants to be. 


Ashley Michelle


Kortney Olson